Monday, September 12, 2011

The Help

This was a really good movie.  It is about an aspiring writer in Jackson, Mississippi that wants to write a book from the opinion of "the help."  The movie was really funny and highly entertaining!  It was a movie that I thought was going to be a chick flick but after watching it I think Tim would like it too.  I don't want to give out too much information about the movie but I would recommend it and I encourage everyone to see it.  I also think I might eventually read the book!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

No Air Conditioning = Hell on Earth

Some of you might think my title for this post is a little strong but that is honestly how I feel about not having air conditioning.  For those of you that haven't been to our house it is important for you to know that we keep our air conditioning at 67 degrees.  Being hot is something I absolutely hate!  So, after throwing a baby shower for my sister-in-law this weekend I walked into our lovely condo to find that it was 80 degrees.  Before completely freaking out I went outside and checked the line to make sure the unit wasn't frozen over.  It wasn't, so my next move was to call Tim and throw a baby fit.  After talking to Tim and somewhat calming down, I quickly realized that there wasn't going to be much we could do at 6 p.m. on a Saturday night.  Our night wasn't horrible but it wasn't fun (I did watch 2 hours of Big Brother and 3 hours of Bachelor Pad).  We ended up sleeping downstairs on the couch because our bedroom (which is upstairs) was just too hot.  The next morning, the first thing I did was start calling AC companies.  After calling about 5 companies that were in the yellow pages we decided to go with HEP (I am sure you have seen their stupid commercials).  They were the most reasonable and only cost $128 to come out to our house and then $15 every 15 minutes to diagnose your problem.  After the HEP man arrived and did some checking/looking/researching/probably sitting in his car checking his Facebook page, he delivered the news that threw me into my second baby fit for the weekend.  The news was that he couldn't fix it and that we need a completely new unit at the reasonable price of $4200.  Did I mention it cost us $143 to get that information?  OH THE JOYS OF HOME OWNERSHIP!  Our house got to 85 degrees today which I am sure is a record somewhere.  Tim has someone else coming to look at our unit tomorrow so let's hope he has some better news for us than HEP.  Until then, I just want to give out some advice for all of you sitting in your nice air conditioned house.......BE GLAD YOU HAVE AIR!

The Other Woman

I had never heard of this movie until I found it on Netflix.  It stars Natalie Portman (whom I love) so I figured I would watch it and give it a try.  It was really good and sad at the same time.  It is about a woman that falls in love with one of her married coworkers.  The two get married and she becomes the other woman.  As the movie continues, you watch her relationship develop with her stepson and the ex-wife.  There are some other twists in the movie which I won't mention but I thought it was worth watching.  I actually cried several times in this movie.  This is definitely a chick flick so I recommend watching one night when your man is out.  That is what I did and I really enjoyed watching.  Also, I think Natalie Portman is beautiful and is a great actress!!

Hall Pass

This movie was very predictable and kind of stupid.  Right when we started watching it we figured out exactly what was going to happen.  This movie is not believable at all.  Honestly, who lets their husband have a "hall pass" from marriage?  Sure it would be every guy's dream but realistically it just wouldn't happen.  Don't get me wrong, there were some funny parts in the movie but overall it really wasn't anything special.  I am SO GLAD we rented it.  I would only say watch this movie if you really have nothing else to watch.


Tim and I really love this show.  My dad had told me about it and so I figured we would check it out.  It is about a U.S. Marshal in Harlan County, Kentucky.  It is pretty awesome and we really like watching it.  The characters are great and the storyline is pretty believable.  Season three starts sometime this fall and we are very excited.  It comes on FX so I would definitely recommend that everyone check it out.  You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

True Grit

A very good movie and worth watching.  I have never seen the first one and I would really like to see it after watching the remake.  I will admit that I am a huge Jeff Bridges fan.  Matt Damon was really good too and I almost didn't recognize him.  One thing that was pretty annoying was how grizzly Jeff Bridges talked because we (Tim and I) could hardly understand anything he said.  We were constantly having to turn up the volume on the TV, so if you do watch the movie make sure your volume is pretty high.  If you don't like westerns then don't watch this movie because it is a true western!  My parents thought the original version was much better (that one starred John Wayne) and from some other feed back I have been getting most older people liked the original better.  Maybe after I watch the first one I will write a comparison blog.  Until then, I would definitely recommend this version and I believe it is a movie that the whole family could watch together.      

Horrible Bosses

LOVED IT!  I was very excited about seeing this movie and I was not disappointed.  It was really, really good.  Both Tim and I thought it started off kind of slow but it picked up quickly.  Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis were great together.  There was one scene where I was literally horse laughing in my seat.  Who would have thought that a movie about killing your boss could be so good?  I do not think you will be disappointed with this movie and it was well worth the money to see it in the theater.  I will definitely be buying it when it comes out on blu ray.  I will warn that there is a lot of cursing in the movie but other than that it was great.  Definitely a must see!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Company Men

This movie is about the corporate job world and America's downsizing economy.  It follows three men (Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper, and Tommy Lee Jones) who all have a big-wig corporate job and all get fired when the company downsizes.  It shows their struggle to maintain their lifestyle and how they are unable to find work.  This movie is fairly sad but I really enjoyed it.  It really puts things into perspective and shows how people can really live beyond their means.  I would say this is a renter and an enjoyable movie.


All the descriptions and reviews about this movie were not accurate.  I had heard that this movie was hilarious and that it was like The Hangover but for woman.  Well, I completely disagree.  I thought this movie was good but nothing like The Hangover.  It actually wasn't even that funny.  I definitely walked into this movie thinking that I would probably end up buying it when it came out on DVD.  Well, I was wrong.  I am glad I saw it but I definitely won't be buying it.  Actually, the more I think about it the more I realize that I am kind of disappointed.  I guess my expectations were a little too high.  I honestly thought the movie Just Go With It was a lot funnier.  Overall, I think this is a renter.  

On a different note, Wynnsong has a great movie deal that I must share with everyone.  Any movie that you go to between 4 and 5:30 is only $5.  This includes new releases and applies everyday.  I was very excited/shocked when I went to get my ticket and it was only $5.  I will definitely start going to this theater more often between 4 and 5:30.   

Breaking Bad

This is a great TV show.  It is about a high school chemistry teacher who finds out he has terminal lung cancer.  He is in his late forties, his wife is pregnant, and his son has cerebral palsy.  After doing a ride along with his brother-in-law who is a DEA agent, he realizes that there is a lot of money in making methamphetamine.  So, Walter White (the main character), hooks up with one of his old students and starts making meth to earn enough money so that he can leave his family well off when he dies.  The show is very entertaining and definitely worth watching.  There have been 3 seasons and season 4 is about to start in July.  I would honestly say that his show is as good as Sons of Anarchy.  Definitely check it out.  It comes on AMC.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Roommate

This movie was pretty stupid.  I will admit that I was pretty excited about this movie because it looked like a scary thriller but it was predictable and dumb.  It is about a girl that starts college and ends up with a psycho roommate who tries to become her.  It reminded me of the movie Swim Fan which was also predictable.  I will say that I thought Swim Fan was actually better than this movie.  If you are bored and have nothing else to watch that is the only time I would recommend this movie.  Really though, don't waste your time!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Something Borrowed

This was a really cute movie.  It is not your typical chick flick.  This movie is about two best friends and how one of them is in love with the other ones fiance.  Throughout the movie you see flashbacks about how everything came about.  I thought the movie was entertaining and worth seeing.  I am pretty sure that your husband/boyfriend won't like this movie so don't take him to see it.  Go with a girlfriend.  On a fun note, if you do go see the movie look at the book the girl is reading when Rachel and Marcus are sitting in the park! :)  I will say that after watching the movie I do want to read the book.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Patterson Garden

For those of you that don't know, gardening is something I truly enjoy.  I was super excited about planting vegetables this year.  Last year our garden was fairly small (3 tomato plants and 2 pepper plants).  This year, Tim requested that we have more peppers and do a salsa garden.  I planted three different types of tomatoes:  Big Beefy, Golden Boy, and Mr. Stripy.  Big Beefy is variety that produces a large, beefy tomato.  Golden Boy is a yellow tomato plant.  Yellow tomatoes are my favorite because they are less acidic than red tomatoes.  Mr. Stripy is a yellow/red tomato and produces a very meaty and juicy tomato.  For peppers, we planted 2 jalapenos, 1 hot banana, 2 cayennes, 3 habaneros, and 3 sweet bananas.  We also planted cilantro.  When we first planted the peppers we noticed that something was eating the leaves.  I had sprayed everything with Seven (which is a fruit and veggie spray) but whatever was eating my plants was not affected by this spray.  After doing some research, I realized that we had a slug and snail problem.  I tried some natural remedies: citrus peels and beer but finally I broke down and got some snail bait.  This worked wonders for our peppers and the leaves are finally starting to come back.  As for our cilantro, we totally killed it.  I had never grown an herb before but apparently cilantro does not take full sun.  When your cilantro plant starts growing straight up and blooms flowers, this is not a good sign.  I have since learned that cilantro only takes morning or afternoon sun.

Here are some things that I have learned from gardening this year:
1.  The potting soil you use really does matter.  Don't buy the stuff from Lowe's or Home Depot.  Go to an actual greenhouse/garden center and pay the extra money to get the good stuff.  If your potting soil looks like mulch then it sucks.
2.  Never pot anything in a clay pot (not even flowers).  Clay pots suck all the water from the plant/the soil and you have to water your flowers daily or more.
3.  Herbs are good to grow in window sills rather than outside.  If your cilantro sprouts flowers--this is a bad sign and your plant is dead.

Below are some pictures of our garden.  It is about a month and a half old and I have only fertilized it once.
The Garden
 The Pepper Plants
 The Tomato Plants
 Tomatoes on the Vine
Gerbera Daisies & Habaneros 
 Sweet Banana Peppers
 Dead Cilantro

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

P.F. Chang's at Home

The other day while I was at the grocery store I picked up one of those P.F. Chang's frozen dinner bags.  Tim and I were looking for something quick and easy to eat that night but we didn't want to go out so we decided to try one.  We got the sweet and sour chicken bag.  I also picked up two of the Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (brown rice not white).  The meal took all of 20 minutes to make and it was great.  The P.F. Chang's bag tasted just like we were at the restaurant.  The chicken was fresh and and the sweet and sour sauce cooked up wonderfully.  Also, the rice was very good as well.  I was worried about getting the quick microwave rice but it tasted just like I had cooked it on the stove.  Overall, it was a quick and great tasting dinner.  Another great thing about this meal was that we both were stuffed and it only cost us $12.  If you ever want a great tasting and quick meal definitely try one of the P.F. Chang's frozen bags!  You won't be disappointed.

The Hangover Part 2

Really, really funny!  I was pleasantly surprised by this sequel.  This movie was really funny and was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.  I will admit that it was not as great as the first one but for a sequel they did a great job.  There were a lot of parts where I was literally laughing out loud.  This movie has a ton of great quotes and the cast did a great job.  This one is definitely worth seeing in the theater and we will most likely buy it when it comes out on video.  Also, if you do see this movie in the theater, make sure you get there early to see the previews.  There were a ton of previews for movies coming out this summer that were hilarious!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Way Back

This movie is slow.  This movie follows several men who are in a Siberian prison and plan to escape.  It takes place in 1940 during Stalin's reign.  The men escape and you follow their journey as they they try to reach friendly territory.  The movie is pretty sad and depressing.  You pretty much watch these men struggle to survive for 2 hours and 13 minutes.  I really only kept watching because I wanted to see if they would make it and they did (sorry for spoiling it).  They end up walking 4,000 miles to India.  The main stars of this movie are Ed Harris and Colin Farrell which is why I thought this movie would be good.   I suggest you skip this movie and only watch it if you really, really, really have nothing else to watch.  It is a big downer and pretty slow.      

No Strings Attached

This was a very funny movie.  It is your typical chick flick but has humor that even guys will enjoy.  I saw this movie in the theater when it came out but Tim hadn't seen it.  He thought there were a lot of funny parts.  This movie stars Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman and is about a couple that tries to just be friends with benefits without falling in love.  Of course this scenario never works and they do end up falling in love but the journey they take to get to that point is pretty funny and interesting to watch.  This movie does have some pretty surprising and quirky moments.  I will warn that there is a lot of sex/sexual references in this movie so I don't recommend watching it with your parents.  Overall, this is a funny movie and definitely worth renting.    

Friday, May 13, 2011

127 Hours

This movie is based on a true story and is about a guy named Aron Ralston.  In 2003, Ralston set out for a weekend trip to Utah and didn't tell anyone where he was going.  While hiking through a canyon a rock falls and traps his arm.  He is trapped in this canyon for 127 hours (hence the name of the movie) until he cuts his arm off.  This movie was pretty good.  I had already seen and heard about this guy before (on Oprah) so I knew what to expect throughout the whole movie.  This guys lifestyle was somewhat crazy in the fact that he went out and did all these dangerous activities alone.  I think this movie is a good example to everyone that crazy things can happen at anytime and that we should always tell the people around us how much we love and care for them.  This movie is definitely a renter and worth watching.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This is a great, wholesome movie.  I am so glad we own it.  We have had this movie for a while but I had not been in the mood to watch it.  Tonight, when Tim suggested it, it just sounded perfect.  My dad came in town today too so he watched it with us (he has already seen it twice).  This movie is about the best racing horse that ever lived.  Secretariat, also named Big Red, won the triple crown in 1973.  The triple crown is a combination of three races: the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes.  A horse gets one shot at winning the triple crown and can only race as a three year old.  The Kentucky Derby is the longest race that the horse has run up to that point.  The Preakness is the shortest race of the three and the Belmont Stakes is the longest race, totaling a mile and a half.  At the Belmont Stakes, Secretariat won by 31 lengths.  If you are wondering how I know so much about horse racing, it is because horse racing is something my family has followed since I was little.  Some of my best memories are going to the Kentucky Derby with my parents.  My dad has always loved the races.  Actually, my dad, mom and papaw were all at the Kentucky Derby when Secretariat won.  My dad was also at the Belmont Stakes when Secretariat won the triple crown.  According to my dad, when Secretariat pulled ahead everyone stood and cheered.  He said that everyone was looking for a hero in those days and that Secretariat became that hero.  I really enjoyed this movie and I feel like I was there after listening to the stories from my dad.  

Monday, April 25, 2011

Water for Elephants

Amazing!  I loved this movie and now I am definitely going to read the book.  This movie is about a young man who joins the circus.  He works as the circus veterinarian and discovers himself among the greatest circus disaster in 1931.  I really knew nothing about this movie, except that it was based off a book.  After seeing the movie, I can't wait to read the book.  The story was put together so nicely and the actors (Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon) did a wonderful job.  This movie is worth seeing in the theater.  It also makes me want to go to the circus really badly since I never got to go as a kid.  I will definitely be buying this movie when it comes out.  I already want to go see it again!    

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Conspirator

Great movie!  This movie was directed by Robert Redford and I was very impressed with the quality of the film.  The movie is about the killing of Abraham Lincoln and follows John Wilkes Booth and his conspirators.  The main focus is on the trial of Mary Surratt.  This movie is all about history but I think even people who aren't really interested in history will still enjoy it.  I was actually kind of disappointed in my lack of knowledge about Abraham Lincoln and his death.  I kept thinking that I should know how the story ended but I didn't.  Tim thought it was very accurate as well.  I would definitely recommend this movie to friends and I think it is worth the money to see it in the theater.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

T.V. Show Special

I have been wanting to blog about my favorite TV shows for a while and since Tim is enthralled in the masters and I am doing nothing, I figured this would be a great time.  Here are some of the TV shows that I love:

SONS OF ANARCHY-  By far, my favorite show on TV.  This show comes on FX on Tuesday night at 10:00 p.m.  Sons of Anarchy is about a biker gang that deals guns in the small town of Charming, California.  The writers of this show are amazing.  Every time I watch it I want to watch more.  The story line is great! I absolutely love it.  Season 4 will start in the fall, so I suggest everyone start watching this show and get caught up.

THE WALKING DEAD- Let me go ahead and say that if you don't like zombies, you won't like this show.  It reminds me of the movies I Am Legend and Zombieland.  This show comes on AMC but I have no idea what day or what time.  Basically, a cop wakes up from a coma and finds that a strange disease has taken over the world and turned humans into zombies.  There is only one season out and it is fairly short.  I thought the show was entertaining and I am excited to see what season 2 has to offer.

BOARDWALK EMPIRE-  This show comes on HBO and is awesome.  I loved season 1.  It is about corruption and politics in Atlantic City during prohibition.  Steve Buscemi is the main actor and he does a phenomenal job.  I haven't heard anything about when season 2 will start but I will be watching it when it does.  The show will definitely keep viewers interested.  It is a mobster type show but has the storyline that anyone would enjoy.

THE GOOD WIFE- I think this is the best legal drama on TV.  I have watched it from the beginning and I love this show.  It comes on CBS on Tuesday night at 10:00 p.m.  The show is about the wife of the former state's attorney for Chicago who lost his position due to multiple affairs and corruption.  He gets put in jail and she has to get a job and support her family while trying to learn to forgive her cheating husband.  Alicia Florrick (the good wife) gets a job at the law firm Lockhart/Gardner and the show goes from there.  Viewers see the types of cases the law firm represents, Alicia's husband's past life, and his campaign as he runs again for his former position.  The show is currently in season 2.  If you are looking for a legal drama, I would definitely watch this one.

THE CHICAGO CODE- This is probably my favorite cop show that is on TV.  Originally, it was Blue Bloods but this show has taken its place.  This is a new show that just premiered on Fox this past January.  It is about the police superintendent of Chicago and her goal to weed out the corruption that exists in her city.  It is a really good show and I hope it makes it for a second season.  You can watch it on Monday night at 10:00 p.m.

BLUE BLOODS- Another cop show that is really good but I don't see it lasting long.  The actors in it are great (Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, and Bridget Moyanhan).  This show takes place in New York and follows a family of cops.  It has really good stories every week but they haven't done much to develop the characters.  Plus, it comes on CBS on Friday night at 10:00 p.m., and we all know that shows on Friday nights don't last.  I really like this show but I would recommend Chicago Code over Blue Bloods if you are wanting a cop show to watch.

THE AMAZING RACE- This is my favorite reality TV show.  I swear that before I die, Tim and I will go on this show.  I love it.  I love watching everyone race around the world and do all these crazy challenges and tasks.  This show comes on CBS on Sunday night at 8:00 p.m.  If you can give it a chance, I think you would enjoy it.  I wouldn't go as far as to say that Tim likes it but he tolerates it.

GREY'S ANATOMY- Yes, I still watch this show but if they do another singing episode I WILL stop watching it.  What can I say, I love this medical drama and I have been watching it since day one so I can't really stop now.  I will admit that the show has had its ups and downs but the past few seasons have been great.  I actually don't even know what season the show is in but it has to be at least season 6 or 7.   I own the first 5 seasons, so if you think you need a medical drama in your life let me know and I will let you borrow it.  Otherwise, you can watch it on ABC on Thursday night at 9:00 p.m.

THE OFFICE- Definitely my favorite comedy on TV since Friends.  I love this show and laugh out loud almost every time I watch.  I own all the seasons and we watch the reruns a lot.  I am sad that Michael Scott is leaving the show because without him I am worried that the show won't last long.  My favorite characters on this show are Creed, Kevin, and Dwight.  This is a hilarious show and I hope it last a long, long time.  You can watch it on NCB on Thursday night at 9:00 p.m.

MODERN FAMILY- This comedy is a close second to The Office.  I really love following the three different families.  Tim and I always watch this show together and we always enjoy it.  Our favorite character is the younger dad with three kids.  He is so funny.  He thinks he is so cool when really he is such a dork.  We also like Gloria and her husband Jay.  If you need a good, wholesome show to add to your list, definitely add this one.  It comes on ABC on Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m.

THE VISITORS- Aliens anybody?  This show has got plenty of them.  It is a sci-fi thriller.  I typically don't like that kind of stuff but I like this show.  I have heard that this show might not last.  It is disappointing, because I think this show is really good and very entertaining.  The show is about aliens that are disguised in human skin and come to earth for a purpose but we don't know what that purpose is.  It comes on ABC on Tuesday night at 9:00.  Season 2 just ended and hopefully the show will continue for a 3rd season.                

Fair Game

This is a very political movie.  I love movies about the government so I really enjoyed it.  Tim was hoping for more action.  This movie is about an undercover CIA agent that gets exposed during the Bush Administration.  I had no idea that this was a even a true story but it is.  It actually made me wonder how I didn't hear about this when it happened.  I guess it is because back then I didn't really listen to the news or care about what was happening in Washington.  If you can handle the politics you will enjoy this movie.  Sean Penn and Naomi Watts do a great job.    

The Fighter

I really enjoyed this movie.  Tim and I had heard such great things about it that we just went ahead and bought it.  The story was very entertaining and the actors did a great job.  I will say, I was disappointed with the ending.  I have said this before, but I hate when you are in the middle of a good movie and it just ends with writing on the screen.  That is how this movie ends.  I was hoping for more but I was just left with some writing about where the people are now.  Overall, it is a good movie and worth watching but definitely not as good as some of the other movies this movie was nominated with (like King's Speech and Black Swan).  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just Go With It

Hilarious!! I was literally laughing out loud in the theater.  I loved this movie.  It is a great comedy and probable one of the funnest movies Adam Sandler has done since Big Daddy.  The movie is about a guy that pretends to be married to get women.  I honestly haven't laughed so hard in a movie in a while.  I don't want to give too much away about this movie so I am just going to say that if you are looking for a laugh definitely go see this movie.  It is well worth the money and I will definitely be buying it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Due Date

One word comes to mind-- STUPID!! I absolutely hated this movie.  It is awful and was a huge disappointment for Tim because he thought it was going to be great.  I on the other hand was never excited about watching it.  This movie is a product of good advertising because I don't know how it did so good in the theater.  Don't waste your time or your money because this movie sucks!  I am so grateful we didn't buy this.

The Switch

This movie has Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman in it.  Because of the actors, I thought it was going to be awesome but it was rather dull.  It is about a girl (Jennifer Aniston) who wants to have a baby but is single and getting older everyday.  So, she decides to find a sperm donor.  Her best friend (Jason Bateman) does not think having a baby is the best idea.  One drunken night at her "sperm" party he switches the specimen with his.  She moves away, he has no memory of that night because he was too drunk, and then magically 7 years later she moves back.  He puts two and two together and you can probably guess how the story ends.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Love and Other Drugs

Nudity, nudity, and more nudity best describes this movie.  It is about a viagra salesman so I guess I should have expected it.  I thought this movie was okay.  I am glad we borrowed it and didn't spend money on it.  This movie is about a guy that becomes a pharmaceutical sales rep for Pfizer.  While at a doctor's office he meets a girl that has Parkinson's disease.  From that point on, they pretty much have sex all the time.  It became pretty predictable.  She pushes him away because she is sick and then he realizes he is in love with her and blah, blah, blah.  This one is a renter, if that, and be prepared to watch everyone be naked the entire time.    

The Grill at Highlands Row

Today, we ate at the Grill at Highlands Row.  It is over near the Bearden Beer Market.  We went for brunch to celebrate Robin's birthday.  Tim and I had both heard of the restaurant and thought the menu looked amazing online.  The food was fantastic.  The brunch menu has a lot to choose from.  I got the highlands benedict.  It consisted of two fried green tomatoes, two crab cakes, and then two poached eggs covered with cilantro hollandaise.  I ate every bite!  It was wonderful.  Tim got steak and eggs.  His steak was cooked perfectly and so were the eggs.  His dish also came with smoked gouda grits which were out of this world.  We had a fabulous time and I thought it was well worth the money.  After tip, we spent a total of $48.  I definitely want to go there for dinner one night and I would recommend this restaurant to anyone!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This movie was okay.  It is about a guy that starts taking a pill that lets him access every aspect of his brain (scientists say we only actually use 20%).  He goes from a struggling writer to an overnight genius.  It was extremely entertaining and the movie was made really well but I thought the movie went down hill in the last 30 minutes.  The movie is about an hour and 45 minutes long and I really thought that it should have been between 2.5 to 3 hours.  I can't stand it when a movie jumps forward a significant period of time without any explanation.  This movie does that.  You will be completely enthralled and then it will say "12 months later."  After this point, they end the movie quickly and leave the ending wide open as to hint toward a sequel.  Overall, I was entertained and the concept was cool but I wouldn't waste the money to see it in the theater.  This one is a renter.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer

Great movie and money well spent.  I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.  It was funny, suspenseful, and kept you guessing all at the same time.  I forgot how good of an actor Matthew McConaughey is.  It took me back to his 'A Time to Kill' days (which is another awesome movie).  This movie is about a defense attorney that has no office and does all his work from his car, a Lincoln (hence the name).  He gets a very high-profiled case and you watch the story unfold.  The theater was packed last night and I can almost guarantee that everyone in there enjoyed the movie.  Definitely a must see and a great job by Matthew McConaughey.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Toy Story 3

Just as good as Toy Story and Toy Story 2.  Normally I am skeptical of sequels, especially a third one, but this one was awesome.  It was really funny and had a lot of jokes that adults would appreciate.  We were laughing the whole time, especially when Buzz Lightyear starts speaking Spanish.  This is a great feel-good cartoon and I only wish they made cartoons like this when I was a kid!

The Next Three Days

This movie is a turbulent thriller!  It is about a woman that gets put in jail for murder and her husband's plan to break her out.  The producer did a great job and had me guessing the whole time.  I would think one thing was going to happen and then something else would.  I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.  By far, a great thriller and very entertaining.  You will enjoy it.

Abrams Falls

For months Tim and I have talked about going hiking and yesterday we finally did.  Because the weather was so nice we took the jeep up to Cades Cove and hiked Abrams Falls.  Abrams Falls is a 2.5 mile hike and is a great workout.  I had never hiked this before so I was pretty excited.  When we got to the start of the trail it warned us to allow 3-4 hours for the hike.  I think they give that warning for slow people because we made it to and from the falls in under 2 hours (of course we were walking pretty fast to keep our heart rate up).  After the hike, we finished the loop.  We saw 39 deer, 1 coyote, and 3 turkeys.  We had planned to find a nice spot in the sun to eat our lunch but because we got up there late we were running out of sunlight.  We ended up parking by the stream and eating our lunch in the jeep and then headed back home.  Overall, it was a great day and a great workout.  We are already picking out our next hike!  Below are some pictures.  


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sonny and Kaye

My parents came in town today from Nashville.  They had recently been in Florida but are now staying in Nashville with my sister.  They plan to rent a house here in Knoxville until their house is built.  I haven't seen them since Christmas and it was so nice spending some time with them.  I didn't realize how much I missed having them live here until they came in town today.  Of course, we talk all the time but talking isn't the same.  I almost cried at the restaurant today and about got on my hands and knees to beg them to come back here sooner.  It was just so good seeing them and it made me realize how much I have missed just being able to drop in by their house anytime I wanted.  I miss being able to stop by and eat lunch with them or go to movies with them.  Hopefully, they can find a house to rent and they will be back here soon.  Mom- if you are reading this, HURRY BACK BECAUSE YOUR YOUNGEST DAUGHTER MISSES YOU AND DAD LIKE CRAZY!

Morning Glory

Funny and lighthearted best describes this movie.  I can't tell you how excited I was to get this movie on Netflix.  The actors do a great job and the movie is very entertaining.  Tim really liked it too even though he said it was a chick flick.  The movie is about a girl who has always dreamed of working for the Today Show or Good Morning America.  Finally, she lands a job on a tanking morning show called Daybreak.  Viewers watch as she makes the show something magical.  She also finds pieces of herself along the way.  I really liked this movie and I will be buying it.  It is one of those movies that I could watch again and again and again.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

This move was really cool.  I thought the storyline was really creative and it made me wonder how people come up with some of this stuff.  I don't really want to give out too much detail about this movie because I think walking in and not knowing anything is the best approach (for this movie at least).  Since it did have Matt Damon in it, I thought this movie would be similar to some of his previous movies but it wasn't.  I was pleasantly surprised and I really liked this movie.  It is worth the money to see it in the theater.  Now, after watching this movie, anytime I get stuck in traffic or my alarm mysteriously doesn't go off I will know it wasn't just was the Adjustment Bureau!  

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Take Me Home Tonight

This movie just came out and it is hilarious.  Tim and I actually saw this movie back in January during the premiere.  It was our first time going to a movie premiere and we had a lot of fun (thank you Elizabeth for inviting us).  The star of the movie, Topher Grace, came to the premiere which made the whole experience even better.  This is a classic 80's movie.  It is honestly like someone made this movie during the 80's, stuck it in a vault, and then pulled it out right now to show.  The soundtrack is awesome!  This movie has everything that you love about 80's movies: the jock, the beautiful girl, the nerd that wants the beautiful girl, etc.  Both of us laughed the entire time and I thought the storyline was great.  I would definitely recommend this movie and we will probably buy it when it comes out.  I know I am definitely getting the soundtrack!  Also, I am pretty sure that since Topher Grace came to the premiere I can say we are friends!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dinner for Schmucks

This movie is pretty stupid.  I was worried the second we put it in the DVD player.  I will admit that it started off being pretty funny but went downhill quickly.  It is one of those movies were so much stuff goes wrong, it really starts to piss you off.  The only thing cool about this movie is that the main characters are named Tim and Julie and they live happily ever after.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Tim and I finally finished this movie (it took us three attempts because it is so long).  I never saw the first Wall Street but that didn't seem to matter.  You don't have to see the first movie to understand this one (although I would like to see the first one).  This movie was okay.  It was kind of confusing and a lot to follow at times.  I don't completely understand the stock market so that is why I thought this movie was confusing.  Also, I thought the ending was stupid and predictable.  This is definitely a movie you rent.  Don't buy it.  I don't ever see myself watching it again.  

Monday, February 21, 2011


Tonight we watched Conviction.  It is the story of a woman who goes to law school to fight for her brother who was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.  This movie is based on a true story and stars Hilary Swank and Sam Rockwell.  Both actors do a great job.  The movie shows how this woman sacrifices her entire life to fight for her brother, whom she believes is innocent.  I would definitely recommend renting this movie.   The story is entertaining and you won't be disappointed.    

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Park City

On the last day of our trip we decided to check out Park City.  You can literally snowboard and catch a lift right in the middle of main street.  The city was really neat.  It snowed the entire time we were there.  We shopped and explored all day.  Also, Tim's cousin Adam drove in from Idaho and joined us for the day.  It was nice to just be a tourist and to enjoy our last day.  After exploring the city we all went back to Salt Lake to pack our stuff and relax for the evening.  To top off the trip, we went for dinner at IN-N-OUT Burger.  I have only heard about this place but had never eaten there.  There are literally only 3 items on the menu but that place is awesome.  Below are the pictures from our last day.  Our snowboarding trip is over but we had a great time.  I can't wait to go again next year.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


Yesterday we ventured off to ride at Snowbasin.  The other two mountains we've ridden (Snowbird and Brighton) were east of Salt Lake City.  Snowbasin is north of the city so it was nice to head in a different direction.  It is pretty awesome that in three days we have ridden three different mountains.  Snowbasin was awesome.  The resort area was very nice and the runs were wide and spacious.  Snowbasin had gondolas that took you to the top of the mountain, which was pretty cool.  Also, at the top of the mountain there was a resort with a restaurant and some killer views.  Snowbasin is where the men's and women's downhill races took place. Since it was our last day we really wanted to get some great riding in.  Unfortunately, for all of us we were pretty much spent.  My feet were cramping for every run but I suffered through it since it was our last day.  We had a blast and although we were all pretty exhausted and our muscles killing us, we had a great day.  Below are some pictures.

Friday, February 18, 2011

White Powder Anyone?

It snowed!! We woke up to find that the storm we watched last night left us a foot of fresh powder to ride in!  Today we rode at Brighton.  This is my favorite mountain so far.  This mountain is what I imagined out west riding to be like.  The runs were very long but wide open.  There were also tons of tree runs.  Snowbird was definitely awesome but much more intimidating than Brighton.  Our first run was an experience.  Somehow, Tim and I got separated from Sean and Matt and before we knew it we were going down a black diamond full of trees.  Riding on fresh powder is completely different and my legs were feeling it.  It felt like you were gliding across the snow, which was an awesome feeling.  I really loved every aspect of today.  The riding was perfect.  By the end of the day my confidence level was back up.  We had a lot of fun and the conditions couldn't have been better.  After we called it a day on the slopes, we headed back to Salt Lake and hit up a few local ski shops.  Sean also took us to a little park where we were able to get some great pictures of the city.  This place is beautiful.  Below are a few of our pictures from today.  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to Utah

We arrived in Utah for our first (well my first) trip out west to shred!  I can't tell you how excited we have been.  We made it to our friend Sean's condo in downtown Salt Lake at about 1 a.m. (which is 3 a.m. Knoxville time).  We hit the sheets and then got up at 7 a.m.  We ate breakfast and then headed for the mountain.  Today we rode at Snowbird.  Let me just say that snowboarding out here is nothing like snowboarding at home.  I was definitely nervous when we got there.  Sean suggested we take the tram for our first run.  Little did I know the tram took you to the top of the mountain.  I definitely got over my fear quickly.  The mountains out here are sick!  It have honestly never seen anything like it.  We rode for a solid 4 hours today.  Tim was smart enough to buy us an Osprey Hydration Pack (like a Camel-Bak) which helped to keep us hydrated.  We really had a great day!  I am totally exhausted.  Currently, we are watching a snow storm so tomorrow should be AMAZING! Below are a few pictures of Snowbird.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blue Valentine

Love and how quickly people fall out of it is what this movie is about.  A married couple try to get back to where they were when they fell in love but fail.  As you watch their struggle for the happiness they once had you realize that life has gotten the best of them.  This movie shows how quickly people change and how quickly you can find yourself just going through the motions.  Marriage is hard and takes effort.  That effort is required 100% of the time.  This movie shows how easy it is for people to forget what it was that brought them together in the first place.  It is a sad movie and shows that not everything in life has a happy ending.  What I have taken from this movie is this: if you want a happy ending you have to work for it and work for it every day of your life.


Last night, we celebrated Valentine's Day by going to Brazeiros (a Brazilian steakhouse).  I can't tell you how excited I was.  Overall, the experience was fun and entertaining.  After you are seated you are given a round coaster-like item that has a green side and a red side.  Your waiter/waitress then explains that after you have had your salad from the salad bar and are ready for your meat selections, you simply turn the coaster to green and meat servers will start coming around.  The meat selection was definitely awesome.  My favorite meat was the house special (no idea how to really pronounce it).  The salad bar I was less impressed with.  Don't get me wrong, it was very good, but I felt it was lacking in variety.  You are also given three sides that are served family-style at your table.  These sides included mashed potatoes, fried bananas, and some other item that was described to me as Italian cornbread.   My husband liked this Italian cornbread and said it tasted like cornmeal mush but it definitely did not taste like that.  Finally, after about an hour of tasting different types of meat we were finished and ready to throw in the towel because we were so full.  Now, let me warn everyone about this next part which is THE BILL.  Do not go there if you are not ready to drop some serious cash.  The entire experience has a set price which is $32.50 per person and this does not include gratuity.  We also got some Brazilian drink that our waiter recommended which added another $15 to our bill.  All in all we were out the door spending over $100.  I am definitely glad we went but I honestly don't see us ever going there again!  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The King's Speech

Last night I watched The King's Speech.  A word that comes to mind to describe this movie is phenomenal!  I was completely captivated by King George VI and his lifetime struggle with speaking.  I felt connected to a man that wanted to rule England but lacked the ability to speak to his people.  Words have such a powerful impact and this movie shows how powerful and important words can be in our lives.  I would recommend this movie to people of all ages.  Overall, this movie is money well spent (except I didn't spend money because I got to go for FREE--thanks Marci)!