Sunday, July 10, 2011

True Grit

A very good movie and worth watching.  I have never seen the first one and I would really like to see it after watching the remake.  I will admit that I am a huge Jeff Bridges fan.  Matt Damon was really good too and I almost didn't recognize him.  One thing that was pretty annoying was how grizzly Jeff Bridges talked because we (Tim and I) could hardly understand anything he said.  We were constantly having to turn up the volume on the TV, so if you do watch the movie make sure your volume is pretty high.  If you don't like westerns then don't watch this movie because it is a true western!  My parents thought the original version was much better (that one starred John Wayne) and from some other feed back I have been getting most older people liked the original better.  Maybe after I watch the first one I will write a comparison blog.  Until then, I would definitely recommend this version and I believe it is a movie that the whole family could watch together.      

Horrible Bosses

LOVED IT!  I was very excited about seeing this movie and I was not disappointed.  It was really, really good.  Both Tim and I thought it started off kind of slow but it picked up quickly.  Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis were great together.  There was one scene where I was literally horse laughing in my seat.  Who would have thought that a movie about killing your boss could be so good?  I do not think you will be disappointed with this movie and it was well worth the money to see it in the theater.  I will definitely be buying it when it comes out on blu ray.  I will warn that there is a lot of cursing in the movie but other than that it was great.  Definitely a must see!