Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sonny and Kaye

My parents came in town today from Nashville.  They had recently been in Florida but are now staying in Nashville with my sister.  They plan to rent a house here in Knoxville until their house is built.  I haven't seen them since Christmas and it was so nice spending some time with them.  I didn't realize how much I missed having them live here until they came in town today.  Of course, we talk all the time but talking isn't the same.  I almost cried at the restaurant today and about got on my hands and knees to beg them to come back here sooner.  It was just so good seeing them and it made me realize how much I have missed just being able to drop in by their house anytime I wanted.  I miss being able to stop by and eat lunch with them or go to movies with them.  Hopefully, they can find a house to rent and they will be back here soon.  Mom- if you are reading this, HURRY BACK BECAUSE YOUR YOUNGEST DAUGHTER MISSES YOU AND DAD LIKE CRAZY!

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